Dorte Mundt Andersen
Corporate Health, Safety and Environmental Director
Formerly Vestas Wind System
Birgitte has the unique ability to understand new problems, and what her clients want. Her focus on the objective and the process - and of course people - enables her to succeed time and time again to find the most effective approach, and to complete the most complex assignments within very tight deadlines. Her personality, experience and professionalism make her the perfect facilitator for simple and complex assignments. Her sense of humour, commitment and nature have an infectious effect on everyone around her.
- De Forenede Dampvaskerier A/S
- B.B. Electronics
- Vestas Technology R & D
- Vestas Spare Parts and Repair
- Vestas Wind Systems, Group Sustainability
- Bureau Veritas Certification (freelance lead auditor)
- LM Wind Power
- Unilever Produktion Aps
Lars Odby
Corporate Safety Specialist
Birgitte was involved in the development and execution of the Vestas Global Safety Training programme for all managers. Her competencies within training and motivation provided a wealth of inspiration for the programme content and delivery of the actual courses. I can highly recommend Birgitte as a top class inspirational partner.